
Get your hip hop fix!

TONIGHT!! and you even have two options:

Option 1: Old School Friday's @ Wesleys Bar & Grill w/ residents N. Mattimoe and Folk. Tonight is special in that DJ apb (who used to tour with option 2) will be gracing us with his presence by coming in from Chi-town to do a DJ set. Hip hop, funk, soul, dance, you name it. However, DON'T, I repeat, DO NOT request the Beastie Boys from apb, though...it won't be pretty. Get out and shake yer ass. 10pm. 1201 Adams.

Option 2: Grand Buffet at Frankies Inner City! Out of Pittsburgh, this band never ceases to put on an excellent show. Plus, you can always expect their witty banter in between songs. Should be fun considering the election results and their anti-Bush sentiments! $5?

Grand Buffet
Seven Chakraz
My Family Needs Food

Where:Frankies Inner City
308 Main St.
Toledo, OH 43605
When: Friday, November 7th, 2008 TONIGHT
Doors: Open @ 9:00PM

1 comment:

juplife said...

toboggan is back! and with a guest author. i wonder what we have in store for us next.